Tuesday, September 27, 2005

One of the greatest

The other morning I heard an announcer on the radio mention the Philadelphia Phillies' Bobby Abreu having a clutch hit. Suddenly, the realization hit me that Abreu has gone from one of the best trades the Phillies ever made (straight up for Kevin Stocker) to one of the best players the Phillies have ever had.

Entering tonight, here's where Abreu ranked on the all-time Phillies lists:

Games played: 19th (Top 5: Schimdt, Ashburn, Bowa, Taylor, Ennis)
At bats: 19th (Schmidt, Ashburn, Bowa, Delahanty, Ennis)
Runs: 10th (Schmidt, Delahanty, Ashburn, Klein, Thompson (Sam, not Milt))
Hits: 14th (Schmidt, Ashburn, Delahanty, Ennis, Bowa)
Doubles: 5th (Delahanty, Schmidt, Magee, Klein)
Home Runs: 7th (Schmidt, Ennis, Klein, Luzinski, Williams)
Runs batted in: 10th (Schmidt, Delahanty, Ennis, Klein, Thompson)
Steals: 7th (Hamilton, Delahanty, Magee, Fogarty, Bowa)
Walks: 4th (Schmidt, Ashburn, Thomas)
Batting Average: 11th (Hamilton, Delahanty, Lajoie, Flick, Thompson)
Slugging: 4th (Klein, Allen, Schmidt)
OBP: 2nd (Hamilton)

Pretty amazing. What Phillies are better than Abreu, especially if you factor in Abreu's defense? Schmidt, obviously. From there you have to make arguments for Delahanty, Ennis, Thompson, Ashburn and Klein. Maybe Cy Williams. But you have to think that Abreu is one of the top five position players of all-time for the Phillies.


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